no command是什么意思(command键的作用)







这句话是什么意思?under authorisation granted him by the commander in chief"

  • The decision to strike in Syria was made by the head of US Central Command Gen Lloyd Austin, Rear Adm Kirby said, "under authorisation granted him by the commander in chief".
  • 被他的总司令授予特权

command line arguments是什么意思

  • command line arguments命令行参数 双语例句1An at护亥篙酵蕻寂戈檄恭漏tacker could pass command line arguments as URI parameters to the TEXIS application.攻击者可以将命令行参数作为URI参数传递至TEXIS应用程序。 2Command line arguments containing double byte characters are truncated to a single byte.包含双字节字符的命令行参数被截断为单个字节。

command line argument是什么意思

  • command line argument 报错 跟读 口语练习[计] 命令行参数网络释义 专业释义 命令列引数 命令行参数 命令列自变量 由命令列传入参数值短语invalid numerical command-line argument 无效命令行参数筏肠摧段诋灯搓犬掸华Invalid Command Line Argument 无效命令行参数


  • command and control program的中文翻译  command and control program  命令和控制程序  双语例句  1  Digital Program Con旦禒测溉爻防诧狮超饯trol Command& Dispatch and Its System Design  数字程控指挥调度及系统设计  2  This paper researched sufficiently the circuits of micro-diagnostic module in certain submarine command and control system, based on this, analysed deeply their instruction structure and type, program structure flow.  对某型潜艇指控系统微诊断模块硬件电路进行了充分研究,以此为基础,全面深入地分析了其指令结构、类型和程序结构流程。

be in command of是什么意思

  • be in command of的中文翻译  be in command of  在指挥  双语例句  1  A person must be in command or in control of the activity.  必须有人指挥或控制危险活动。  2  A brigadier of gendarmes, who seemed to be in command of the group, was standing near the door.  一个警察队长,仿佛是率领那群人的,起先立在门边。  3  He refuses to retur籂搐焚诽莳赌锋涩福绩n incivility from incivility, because then he would no longer be in command of his own conduct.  他不以怨抱怨,那样,他将不再是自己行为的主宰。


  • n. 命令;指挥;掌握发搐篡诽诂赌磋涩单绩;[计算机] DOS命令 : 引用辅助命令处理器v. 命令;指挥;掌握;博得

a command-based program是什么意思

  • You will be implementing a polynomial class along withan interactive command-based program that uses your class.谁来帮我翻译一下这句话啊~~谢谢了
  • 您将伴随着一个交互式的命令实现一个多项式类,使用你的类的基础课程。
